Sunday, November 24, 2013

A Sheepish Hello

Oh...hello there.  Long time, no see!

So, I’m really sorry about not keeping this blog up to date while I’m in school.  I didn’t mean for it to turn out this way, honest.  It’s just that college has a way of taking over my life, and filling all my time with classes and homework. And when I do have some free time, I don’t feel like perfecting recipes and writing blog posts.  I just want to lie on my bed and blankly stare at the ceiling. Or take a nice walk outside.  Or call my family and friends.  You get the picture.  And I’ve basically been living off of pasta and frozen veggies, so nothing too excited has happened in my little kitchen.  I’m hoping to do some cooking over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, but I’m not sure if or when it will be appearing on here.

Anyways, I haven’t forgotten about this blog and I will still be posting on here, it’s just I have other stuff to do for the time being.  Thanks for understanding!